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  1. Discuss the bio-social determinants of fertility and fecundity. (15 marks , 2021)
  2. Discuss the biological factors influencing fertility in light of the relationship between fecundity and fertility. (15 marks, 2019)
  3. Define fecundity and explain major factors affecting fecundity in Indian populations. (15 marks, 2018)
  4. Describe the biological and socio-ecological factors affecting fertility and mortality.(20 marks, 2017)
  5. Age at menarche(10 marks, 2017)
  6. Menopause and its impact (10Marks, 2015)
  7. Discuss the relevance of menarche, menopause & other bio events to fertility. (15Marks, 2014)
  8. Fertility and Fecundity (10 Marks 2014)
  9. Demographic transition (10Marks 2013)
  10. Distinguish between the terms fecundity’ and fertility’.  Are the factors influencing them distinguishable? Discuss. (30 Marks — 2010)
  11. Bioevents of fertility. (2008)
  12. Demographic Transition (2007)
  13. Discuss the biological and socio-ecological factors influencing fertility and mortality. (2005)
  14. Menarche and Menopause (2001)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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