World / Europe Archaeology
- Origin and scope of archaeological anthropology
- Relationship of Archaeological with other disciplines
- Methods of studying archaeological anthropology
- Interdisciplinary approaches about archaeological anthropology
- Prehistoric Technology
- Prehistoric Tools
- Earliest Evidence of Culture in the World
1.8 a) Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology.
1.8 (b) Cultural Evolution- Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures:
- Lower Palaeolithic Culture of Europe
- Tool Types and Techniques of Lower Palaeolithic Culture
- Middle Palaeolithic Culture of Europe
- Tool types and techniques of middle paleolithic cultures
- Upper Palaeolithic of Europe
- Tool types and techniques of upper Paleolithic culture
- Palaeolithic Art of Europe
- Mesolithic Culture of Europe
- Tool types and techniques of Mesolithic culture
- Early Holocene Hunters and Gatherers – Mesolithic – Robert Jurmain reference book
- Neolithic Revolution
- Tool Types and Techniques of Neolithic Culture
- Environmental and Cultural approaches explaining why farming began
- Major Hypothesis of Farming begin
- Archaeological Evidences for plant or animal domestication
- Farming and domestication in various places
- Consequences of food production and population density on human health [2020 mains]
Copper-Bronze Age
- Why Did Civilizations Form – Environmental and cultural explanation
- Old World Civilizations [ Mesopotamia , Sumerians , Egypt , Indus , Northern China]
- New World Civilizations [Lowland Mesoamerica Olmec , Classic Maya , Highland Mexico , Peru ]
Extra Knowledge
- Cultural Evolutionary Revolution
- Nutritional Evolution
- Skeletal Analysis and Determination of Demographic Variables in Prehistoric Populations
- Skeletal Analysis and determination of Demographic Variables in Post Neolithic Population Growth
Indian Archaeology
Cultural Evolution- Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures in India
- Paleolithic
- Mesolithic
- Neolithic
- Chalcolithic
- Indus Valley Civilization(Copper-Bronze Age)
- Iron Age
- Contributions of tribal cultures to Indian civilization.
- Previous Years Question
Important personalities in Indian Prehistory
1.3 Ethno-archaeology in India:
- The concept of ethno-archaeology;
- Survivals and Parallels among communities of
- Previous Year Questions
Further Reading in Archaeology
- Food Production –
- Early Civilizations –
- Environmental Archaeology
- Ethnoarchaeology
- Issues of cultural evolution for an Archaeologist
- Introduction to Tools and Technology
- Function of tool types
- Olduvai Gorge
Lewis-Jurmain-Kilgore book simplified
- Early Holocene Hunters and Gatherers
- Food Production
- The First Civilizations
- Biocultural Evolution and the Anthropocene
- Biocultural Evolution and the Anthropocene – – Robert Jurmain reference book