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  1. Discuss the physiological and evolutionary theories of aging. (15 marks , 2021)
  2. Human adolescent growth spurt (10 marks , 2021)
  3. Senescence (10 Marks , 2020)
  4. Secular trends in human growth can be positive , negative and neutral . Illustrate with examples (20 marks , 2020)
  5. Genetico-environmental factors affecting human growth (15 marks, 2019)
  6. Discuss the methods of studying human growth with their merits and demerits. (15 marks , 2019)
  7. Issues of Elderly and Senescence in Developing and Developed Countries (10 marks, 2018)
  8. Discuss Sheldon’s method of somatotyping.(10 marks, 2017)
  9. Describe the various methods of studying growth highlighting their merits and demerits.(15 marks, 2017)
  10. Discuss different factors affecting growth and development in human beings.(15 marks, 2016)
  11. What is an Anthropometric Somatotype? Describe Heath & Carter’s method of Somatotyping. (20 Marks, 2015)
  12. Longitudinal method of studying growth (10 Marks, 2015)
  13. What are the different stages of Growth? Describe any one of them in detail. ( 20 Marks, 2014)
  14. Discuss Ageing and Senescence. Describe either the biological or social theories of Ageing. (20 Marks, 2014)
  15. Cross-sectional methods of studying human growth (10 Marks, 2014)
  16. Justify “Though human growth is under tight genetic control but it is influenced by various environmental factors.” (15Marks, 2013)
  17. Differentiation between Child Growth and Development. (10 Marks, 2013)
  18. Ageing and Senescence (10 Marks, 2013)
  19. Describe the patterns of human growth and development from birth to maturity. (L.Q -1995)
  20. Differentiate between human growth & development and describe the — various stages of human growth. (L.Q – 2003)
  21. Describe the stages of human physical growth and development and discuss the effect of nutrition and inbreeding on growth and development. (L.Q -1991)
  22. Differentiate between ‘growth’ and ‘development’. List the factors affecting human growth and development. (30 Marks — 2009)
  23. Critically examine the role of nutritional, socio-economic & cultural factors on human growth and development (L.Q – 2004)
  24. Differentiate between human growth & development and describe the — various stages of human growth. (L.Q – 2003)
  25. Critically discuss the factors affecting human growth & development. (L.Q – 2005)
  26. Define growth & maturation and discuss the different factors affecting them. (L.Q-2001)
  27. Discuss the effect of nutrition and inbreeding on growth & development. (L.Q -1991)
  28. Explain any to biological theories of ageing based on purposeful events. (20 Markers, 2012)
  29. Describe different methods of studying human growth (30 Marks, 2011)
  30. Define Somatotype. Describe the salient features of Somatotype (30 Marks, 2011)
  31. Senescence and socio-economics in contemporary times (15 Marks — 2010)
  32. Distinguish between ‘chronological age’ and ‘biological age’ (20 Marks — 2009)
  33. Discuss the theories of ‘Ageing’ (40 Marks — 2009)
  34. Describe various methods of studying human growth, specifying merits & demerits. (L.Q- 2006)
  35. Life table (S.N -2006) (S.N – 2005)
  36. Methods of study of human growth. (S.N – 2002)
  37. What is meant by physical growth norms? How are these made and how do they depict and growth status of a population? (L.Q – 1999)
  38. Growth Curves (S.N -1998)
  39. Senescence (S.N – 1995)
  40. Describe methods of studying growth and physical development of children. (L.Q-1 990)
  41. Give a short account of the present – day growth studies in India. (L.Q – 1985)
  42. Discuss the role of hormonal & nutritional factors on human growth & development. (L.Q-1 990)


Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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