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  1. Discuss various tools data collection conducting anthropological research (20 marks , 2021)
  2. Elaborate the scope of anthropology and elucidate its uniqueness in the field of other social sciences (20 marks , 2021)
  3. How interpretation and presentation of data changed from classical to contemporary writings in anthropological texts ? (15 marks , 2020)
  4. How can synergizing the core branches of anthropology reinvigorate the holistic spirit of the discipline ? (20 marks , 2020)
  5. Experiential Ethnography (10 marks , 2020)
  6. Evaluate participant observation in producing anthropological knowledge.(15 marks, 2019)
  7. Discuss phenomenology as a research method in anthropological studies (15 marks, 2019)
  8. How is case study method helpful in understanding a social phenomena? Explain with suitable example. (20 marks 2018)
  9. Elucidate the basic characteristics of anthropological field work methods.(2017)
  10. Describe the evolution of Fieldwork tradition in Anthropology.(2016)
  11. Field work tradition in Anthropology (10 Marks 2014)
  12. Field work tradition in Anthropology (15 Marks 2011)
  13. Discuss the different fieldwork traditions in anthropological research. (1988)
  14. Fieldwork traditions in Anthropology (1987,1985)
  15. Genealogical Method (10 Marks 2014)
  16. Genealogical method of field investigation. (1994)
  17. Discuss the relevance of Case Study method of data collection. (20 marks 2013)
  18. What are the tools of data collection?
  19. Discuss the advantages and limitations of participant – observations as a technique of data collection (20 Marks 2012)
  20. What do you understand by the following terms? (30 Marks —2010)
    1. Systematic sampling. (ii) Stratified sampling. (iii) Multi stage sampling.
  21. Schedule and ‘Questionnaire’ in research methodology (20 Marks —2009)
  22. Discuss the importance of field work in anthropology and describe various tools of data collection (. –2008)
  23. Critically examine the contribution of Positivist and Non- Positivist approaches in Social Science Research (. –2007)
  24. Participatory Rapid Assessment (PRA) (. –2004)
  25. Discuss the contributions of field work in the development of anthropological concepts and theories. (. –1999)
  26. Trace the genesis and development of fieldwork in anthropological research. Assess its importance in the development of Anthropology. (. –1998)
  27. Examine the importance of observation as a field work technique in Anthropology. Differentiate between participant & non- participant Observation and analyze the problem of objectivity in participant observation. (.-1996)
  28. What are questionnaires & schedule techniques of field study? Assess their relative usefulness in anthropological studies. (. –1995)
  29. Discuss the nature and logic of anthropological field work methods. How these differ from those of other social sciences? Discuss. (.-1994)
  30. Method and Methodology (.-1993)
  31. Discuss the nature and method of Anthropological Fieldwork and explain its uniqueness. (1993)
  32. Discuss the nature and logic of anthropological field work methods. (.-1991)
  33. Discuss the difference between the technique, method and methodology as employed in anthropological studies. (. –1990)
  34. Participant observation in Anthropological Fieldwork. (. –1989)
  35. How does fieldworker strike a balance between the theoretical requirements and real field situations?Describe with suitable examples. (. –1989)
  36. Distinguish between technique,method and methodology. Examine their role in anthropological studies. (. –1987)
  37. Explain the significant role of an informant in anthropological fieldwork. (. –1986)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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