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PYQ’s – Linguistic and Religious Minorities

  1. Delineate the constitutional safeguard for religious minorities in India.(15 marks , 2021)
  2. What are the Social and Political problems of religious minorities in India ?(20 marks , 2020)
  3. Linguistic minorities in India (10 marks , 2020)
  4. Write a shrort notes on Endangered Languages(10 marks, 2018)
  5. Discuss the social ,political and economic status of muslims in india.15m (2017)
  6. Discuss the problems faced by religious minorities in India. (15Marks 2015)
  7. Critically examine the ‘book view’ and the ‘field view’ of social reality. (20Marks – 2012)
  8. What are the issues and socio-economic problems arising out of being a religious minority? Discuss. (L.Q – 2007)
  9. Linguistic distribution of Indian population. (S.N. 2006)
  10. “Linguistic  and  religious  minorities  are  particularly  vulnerable  to  political     manipulation”. Comment. (L.Q – 2005)
  11. Discuss the socio economic status of religious minorities in India. Identify their role in politics. (L.Q – 2003)
  12. Distinguish between characteristics and problems of linguistic and religious minorities in India. Give examples of conflicts generated by such considerations and steps to resolve them. (L.Q – 2000)
  13. Special provisions for minorities (S.N – 1993)
  14. State should protect the personal laws of religious minorities. Discuss with reference to the problem of national integration. (L.Q 1991)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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