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  1. RH-blood group (10 marks, 2016)
  2. What are genetic markers and what is their usefulness?
  3. Why are blood groups considered as good genetic markers? Illustrate with examples. (15 Marks, 2013)
  4. Discuss the role of ABO blood group system in resolving cases of disputed paternity (20 Marks, 2012)
  5. Give a competitive account of the variations in hemoglobin levels and respiratory functions among the populations  Living under different environmental stresses (30 Marks, 2012)
  6. Respiratory Functions (15 Marks, 2011)
  7. ABO and Rh blood group distribution in human populations (SN – 2008)
  8. Evaluate genetic heterogeneity of ABC, Rh and Gm antigens. Discuss how the principal Human groups can be distinguished on the basis of their blood antigen characteristics (L.Q – 2000)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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