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  1. Genetic Drift (10 marks , 2020)
  2. How do marriage rules impact gene pool of populations (15 marks , 2020)
  3. Differentiate between transient and balanced genetic polymorphism. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples from human populations (15 marks, 2019)
  4. Explain the mechanism of human variation in gene frequencies (20 marks, 2018)
  5. Hardy-Weinberg Law.(10 marks, 2017)
  6. Define Genetic polymorphism. Give details of its types with suitable examples. (15 Marks 2015)
  7. Discuss the factors affecting gene frequencies among human populations. (20, Marks 2014)
  8. What do you understand by ‘Genetic Load’ in a population? How is it measured and what are the important factors that can influence it? (15 Marks, 2013)
  9. What are the genetic effects of Consanguinity? Give examples? (20 Marks, 2012)
  10. Genetic Polymorphism (15 Marks 2011) (S.N -2006)
  11. Conditions necessary for the operation of Hardy – Weinberg law (15 Marks 2011)
  12. What is Balanced Genetic Polymorphism? How is it maintained in a population? (30 Marks— 2010)
  13. What is genetic load’ and what factors influence it? (30 Marks — 2009) 12.Inbreeding (S.N – 2008)
  14. What do you understand by Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium? Discuss the factors that produce and redistribute variations. (L.Q – 2008)
  15. Problems of Inbreeding (S. N – 2005)
  16. Genetic polymorphism and selection (S.N – 2003)
  17. Describe the major causes of change in gene frequency of a population (L.Q – 2003)
  18. What are the statistical methods used in Physical Anthropology? (L.Q – 2001)
  19. Sampling methods (S.N -2001)
  20. Mutation (S.N – 1998)
  21. Discuss the concepts of balanced polymorphism & relaxed selection with special reference to malaria dependent polymorphism in Man. (S.N -1994)
  22. Inbreeding and cross breeding (S.N -1993)
  23. Is inbreeding different from consanguinity? Give an account of inbreeding studies in India  and comment on their social relevance. (L.Q – 1987)
  24. Discuss role of genetic drift, mutation and migration as the causes of variation. (L.Q -1985)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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