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  1. Critically discuss the Mendelian principles and their application to human populations.( 20 marks, 2016)
  2. What are the legal and sub-lethal genes? Explain (20 Marks 2012)
  3. Discuss monogenetic & polygenetic inheritance in man with suitable  examples  (30 Marks 2011)
  4. What are the contributions of Gregor Mendel to the field of Genetics?
  5. Discuss the concept of Mendelian Population and its application in the study of anthropogenetic variations in India. (L.Q – 1997)
  6. Discuss with suitable examples how Mendel’s laws of inheritance are applicable to Man? (.    – 1993)
  7. What are Mendel’s laws of inheritance? Describe the recent advances in human genetics. (. – 1992)
  8. Describe Mendel’s laws of inheritance. What are the recent advances in human genetics and human cytogenetics? (. – 1990)
  9. Laws of heredity as propounded by Mendel. (. – 1989)
  10. Discuss how laws of heredity propounded by Mendel can be understood in the context of meiotic Cell division and their applications to Man. (.-1987)
  11. Discuss the laws of inheritance propounded by Mendel on the basis of his classic experiments. Explain how these laws are applied in the study of human genetics (. – 1986)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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