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  1. What is Anthropometry ? Discuss its role in assessing the nutritional status and sports capability of a person. (15 marks , 2021)
  2. How are the cases of disputed paternity solved ? Discuss the recent techniques. (15 marks , 2021)
  3. What are the applications of human genomic research in human welfare ? (15 marks , 2020)
  4. Ethics and Genetic engineering (10 marks , 2020)
  5. Anthropological inputs in facial reconstruction (10 marks, 2019)
  6. ‘Applied human genetics has come to touch every sphere of human life’. Discuss in light of recent advances in molecular anthropology. (20 marks, 2019)
  7. Advanced Molecular Anthropology Techniques (10 marks, 2018)
  8. What are the methods of personal identifications? Critically examine how personal identification helps in criminal investigations.(15 marks, 2017)
  9. Describe the role of Anthropology in designing defence and other equipment.(15 marks, 2016)
  10. Write short notes on Forensic Anthropology(2016 ,2007 ,2003,1997)
  11. DNA Technology in Medicine (10 Marks, 2015)
  12. Elucidate the role of Anthropology in selecting and monitoring of Sports persons. (15Marks, 2015)
  13. Forensic Science can help in Criminal Investigations. Discuss. (20 Marks, 2015)
  14. Application of anthropometry in designing (12 Marks 2012)
  15. Briefly discuss the applications of the knowledge of Human Osteology in forensic investigations. (20Marks 2012)
  16. Personal Identification (15 Marks, 2011)
  17. Discuss the application of anthropological knowledge in designing equipment. (30Marks 2011)
  18. Explain the Anthropological knowledge in genetic counseling, forensic science, sports, nutrition. (30 Marks, 2011)
  19. Role of forensic anthropology in the field of personal identification. (15 Marks —2010)
  20. Analyse the various applications of anthropological knowledge to solve Medico-legal problems and in the reconstruction of evidence. (60 Marks — 2009)
  21. Discuss the role of anthropology in designing defence and other equipment’s. (2008)
  22. Briefly describe various applications of Physical Anthropology (2007)
  23. Personal identification (2006)
  24. Nutritional Anthropology ( 2005)
  25. Discuss the areas in which the knowledge of human genetics can be applied. (2004)
  26. Anthropology of sports ( 2004 ,1997)
  27. Eugenics (2003)
  28. What do you understand by Applied Physical Anthropology? Discuss the applications of anthropometry in designing defence and other equipment’s. (2003)
  29. Evaluate the role of Serogenetics & Cytogenetics in reproductive biology. (2001)
  30. Discuss the relevance of human DNA Profiling and Gene Mapping in the prevention and cure of diseases. (2001)
  31. Discuss the application of human genetics in the field of forensic science and diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders. (1999)
  32. Discuss the recent developments in genetic techniques and c6mment upon their potential social significance. (1997)
  33. Discuss the concepts of eugenics and euphemics and their potential applications to human welfare (1996)


Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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