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PYQ- Tribal situation in India

  1. Concept of tribe and Indian census (10 marks , 2021)
  2. Elucidate the linguistic classification of Indian tribes (15 marks , 2020)
  3. Youth dormitory as an institution (10 marks, 2018)
  4. Bio-genetic variability of Indian tribes (10 marks , 2016)
  5. Elwin – Ghurye debate on Tribes. (10Marks 2015)
  6. Socio-economic characteristics of Shifting cultivators. (10Marks 2015)
  7. Biogenetic variations of Indian tribes (10 Marks 2014)
  8. Social and economic marginalization of tribal people (10Marks 2014)
  9. Threat to tribal languages in India.(10 Marks – 2013)
  10. Linguistic classification of Indian tribes.(10 Marks – 2013)
  11. Discuss the concept of ‘indigenous people’ as per the relevant UN convention. Are tribals of India indigenous people? Comment. (20Marks – 2012)
  12. Discuss the linkages between language, territoriality and kinship among the tribes of North- East India. (30Marks – 2012)
  13. Youth Dormitory. (12Marks – 2012)
  14. Discuss the distinctive features of tribes in North east India. (30 Marks – 2011)
  15. “Tribes in India are not homogeneous group.” Discuss. (30Marks – 2011)
  16. Discuss the relevance of traditional wisdom and knowledge of the tribes with reference to health in the present day context. (20 Marks — 2010)
  17. Write a brief note on the linguistic diversity among Indian tribes. (20 Marks — 2009)
  18. Do you think that Indian tribes have rich biogenetic variability? Discuss. (L.Q-2007)
  19. Key characteristics of STs in India (S.N – 2006)
  20. Discuss the biomorphic variations of Tribes of North Eastern India (L.Q – 2006)
  21. Genetic diversity among Indian Tribes (S.N – 2005)
  22. Biogenetic variability in tribal populations. (S.N – 2003)
  23. Linguistic diversity among the tribes of Chota Nagpur. (S.N – 2002)
  24. Discuss the anthropological approach to the understanding of the tribal ethos and comment on the major socio economic problem of Indian Tribes. (L.Q – 1990)
  25. Describe the racial, linguistic and socio economic characteristics of a tribe of Central India or of South India. (L.Q – 1985)
  26. Briefly describe the linguistic and socio-economic characteristics of the tribal peoples either (a) Of central India including the Chota Nagpur plateau or (b) of North East India. (L.Q – 1987)
  27. Languages spoken by the scheduled tribes (S.N – 1986)
  28. Hunting and food gathering tribes of India (S.N – 1986)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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