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PYQ – Social Change among Indian Tribes

  1. Critically assess the existing plans and programmes meant for tribal welfare.(15 marks, 2019)
  2. Discuss the nature of Social change in Tribal India under the impact of Developmental programmes. (15Marks 2015)
  3. Critically compare ‘Affirmative Action’ of USA and ‘Protective discrimination’ for  scheduled tribes in India. (15Marks 2015)
  4. Tribes as Indigenous Culture (S.N – 2008)
  5. How have modern democratic institutions influenced the Indian tribal societies? Assess. (L.Q – 2008)
  6. Illustrate with suitable examples) the impact of Developmental Programmes on tribes and weaker sections. (L.Q – 2007)
  7. Tribal Sub plan (S.N – 2005)
  8. Panchayati Raj (S.N – 2005)
  9. Implications of recent Presidential orders relating to Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes. (S.N – 2003)
  10. What do you understand by the integrated tribal and rural developmental programmes? How would you evaluate the success or Failure of these programmes? (L.Q – 2002)
  11. Mention various developmental programmes implemented for the socio economic wellbeing of SCs? Do these programmes fulfill their aspirations? Discuss. (L.Q -2001)
  12. MADA, LAMPS, TRIFED (S.N – 2000)
  13. Tribal Sub Plan (S.N – 1999)
  14. ITDA (S.N – 1998)
  15. Discuss the impact of modernization on trial and rural people in India. (L.Q -1998)
  16. Estimate the role of democratic institutions / Organizations for the development of weaker sections and the welfare measures Adopted by them. (L.Q – 1997)
  17. Involvement of local communities in Forest Management (S.N – 1996)
  18. Peoples participation in Tribal development (S.N – 1995)
  19. Positive and Negative responses of the tribals to governmental measures (S.N 1994)
  20. Direction of Tribal change (S.N – 1993)
  21. Discuss the socio economic and political characteristics of revitalization movements in Tribal India. How are they affected by culture? Contact with outsiders? (L.Q – 1991)
  22. Impact of urbanization on tribal societies (S.N – 1990)
  23. Discuss the peoples’ response and participation in developmental programmes in tribal areas. (L.Q – 1988)
  24. Rapid industrialization may lead to Psychological frustrations. Discuss. (S.N – 1987)
  25. Advantages of Ashram Schools in tribal areas (S.N -1986)
  26. Analyze the programmes for tribal welfare undertaken by the governments in terms of relevant Constitutional and statutory Provisions. (L.Q -1986)
  27. What are the various policies that have been suggested for bringing the tribals into the mainstream of national life? In the interest of the tribals which of these policies do you consider suitable? (L.Q – 1985)


Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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