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PYQ- Social Change

  1. Cultural diversity and multiculturalism(10 marks , 2021)
  2. Discuss the role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in transforming traditional power hierarchy in rural India. (15 marks , 2021)
  3. Factionalism and politics in rural India (10 marks, 2021)
  4. Concept of Sanskritisation (10  marks , 2020)
  5. Discuss the impact of media on the social life of Indian villages(15 marks, 2019)
  6. Panchayati Raj as a facilitator of social inclusion in rural society.(10 marks, 2019)
  7. Discuss how the elements of Little and Great Traditions combine in the emergence of social /political /religious movements, giving any one example to illustrate the issue? (20 marks, 2019)
  8. The impact of Panchayati Raj institutions in rural areas (10 marks, 2018)
  9. Modernization (10 marks , 2018)
  10. Describe the media as an instrument for social change.15m (2017)s
  11. Discuss the impact of panchayati raj institution on the empowerment of rural women in india. 15m (2017)
  12. How is process of tribe caste continuum different from sanskritization.(2016)15M
  13. What do you understand by the dynamics of Caste mobility? How did the concept of Sanskritization contribute to its functionality? (20Marks 2015)
  14. Panchayatiraj institutions and social change (10Marks 2015)
  15. Examine the Social implications of media & communication technology (20Marks 2015)
  16. Great tradition and little tradition (10Marks 2014) (S.N – 1996) (S.N – 1987)
  17. Indian farmers are not slow to react to economic opportunities. Discuss this  statement.(15Marks – 2013)
  18. Participatory Rural Appraisal. (12Marks – 2012)
  19. Critique of the concept of Great and Little Tradition. (15Marks – 2011)
  20. Modernity has entered Indian character and society, but it has done so through assimilation,   not replacement.” Discuss. (30Marks – 2011)
  21. Universalization and Parochialization (15 Marks — 2010) (S.N – 1997) (S.N – 1985)
  22. Sanskritization as a mode of social change (20 Marks — 2009) (S.N – 1992)
  23. What are the various exogenous processes of socio-cultural changes in Indian Society? (20  Marks — 2009)
  24. Critically examine concepts of little & Great Traditions for understanding Indian Villages.(L.Q 2008)
  25. Critically review the process of social changes the contemporary Indian society is undergoing. (L.Q – 2006)
  26. Sanskritization and westernization. (S.N – 2002)
  27. Great Traditions (S.N – 1999)
  28. Distinguish between Sanskritization and de – sanskritization. Critically examine the impact of Sanskritization on Social Mobility in India (LQ -1999)
  29. Do you think that the process of Sanskritization leads to any structural changes in the society? Discuss with reference to the Modern Indian Society. (L.Q – 1994)
  30. Discuss in what way the study of great tradition and little tradition is essential for understanding the cultural processes of Indian Civilization. (L.Q -1992).
  31. Relationship between Sanskritization and Westernization as process of socio cultural change. (S.N- 1991)
  32. Sanskritization as a factor o social change among the scheduled castes of India. (S.N – 1990)
  33. ‘Tradition is a single unbroken chain’. Discuss this statement throwing light on the relevance of the use of the terms great tradition And little tradition in India in the fields of (a) religion (b) kinship and (C) Agriculture. (L.Q – 1987)
  34. Discuss how the concepts of sanskritization & westernization explain the process of change in Indian Society &Culture. (L.Q – 1986)


Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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