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PYQ – Role of Anthropology in rural and tribal development

  1. Describe the functions of Tribal Research Institutes in India.(20 marks , 2020)
  2. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of anthropology in the context of its role in tribal and rural development. 20 marks(2018)
  3. Discuss the role of anthropology in understanding the loss of livelihood of tribal communities due to economic and ecological factors.15m (2017)
  4. Describe how anthropological knowledge and methods are useful in rural development.(2016, 15m)
  5. Write about contribution made by cristoph von furer-haimendrof to tribal anthropology in India.(2016)
  6. Examine in detail the role of Anthropology in planning for Tribal development. (15Marks 2015)
  7. Critically assess the role of anthropologists in rural development. (20Marks 2014) (S.N – 1997)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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