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PYQ- Problems of the tribal Communities

  1. Examine the factors responsible for malnutrition in tribal India and suggest interventions required to overcome the problem. (15 marks , 2021)
  2. Elucidate the problems and challenges in educational attainment of the Scheduled Tribes. (15 marks , 2021)
  3. Elucidate the problems of land alienation among the tribals of India (15 marks , 2020)
  4. Issues relating to tribal education (10 marks, 2019) .
  5. Write a short notes on indebtedness among tribal communities.10m(2017)
  6. Describe the impact of displacement on the health and nutritional status of the tribal communities. 20m (2017)
  7. Discuss how constitutional provisions in India have built in mechanisms for dealing with the problem of land alienation in tribal areas. (20Marks 2015)
  8. Discuss the Sociocultural, Economic and Psychological constraints responsible for low literacy in Tribal areas. (15Marks 2015)
  9. Discuss the impact of land alienation on the tribes of Central India. (15Marks 2014)
  10. Left-wing extremism and Tribals in India. (15Marks – 2011)
  11.  Discuss alternatives for shifting cultivators in the context of ecological costs and humanistic concerns. (20Marks – 2013)
  12. Education and health among tribal Women. (15 Marks — 2010)
  13. The problem of bonded Labour among Indian tribes. (15 Marks — 2010)
  14. Land and forest are the twin problems of the tribes. Explain. (40 Marks — 2010)
  15. Critically examine the various structural constraints in the education development of Scheduled Tribes. (30 Marks-2010)
  16. Indebtedness in Tribal Communities (20 Marks — 2009)
  17. Land Alienation (S.N – 2007)
  18. Discuss the factors related to low literacy rate among the tribal’s of India. Write in brief the measures taken by the government in different five years plans to eradicate it. (L.Q – 2005)
  19. Land alienation among the tribal’s (S.N – 2003)
  20. Constraints of educational development among the tribal’s. (S.N -2003)
  21. Do you think that exploitation emanates from clash of self-interest between groups? Discuss in the context of tribal’s and non tribals. (L.Q – 2002)
  22. The problems of de-notified groups (S.N – 2000)
  23. Tribal education in the context of development (S.N – 2000)
  24. Land Alienation in Tribal India (S.N – 1999)
  25. Bring out with suitable examples the constraints of educational development of tribal communities in India. Suggest remedial Measures in this context. (L.Q – 1999)
  26. Discuss the health and nutritional status of tribal and rural children in India. How far has the government policy been effective?(L.Q – 1998)
  27. Shifting cultivation, its merits and demerits (S.N – 1997) (S.N – 1991)
  28. Describe the Socio cultural factors related to the poor health Conditions of the Indian tribal population. Suggest measures for improving these conditions. (L.Q – 1995)
  29. Factors responsible for tribal migration and its consequences.(S.N -1994)
  30. Shifting cultivation in the context of land use pattern (S.N – 1993)
  31. Tribal education (S.N – 1993)
  32. Indebtedness and land alienation among Indian tribes (S.N – 1992) (S.N – 1986)
  33. Land and forest are basic needs of tribal’s (S.N – 1992)
  34. What are the major problems of the tribals in India? Evaluate the measures adopted by the central and state governments in India to solve these problems. (L.Q – 1992)
  35. Discuss some major problems of the tribes of India. Make a critical evaluation of the measures adopted by the central and state Governments in India to solve these problems and account for their limited Success. (LQ – 1989)


Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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