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PYQ- Indian Village Studies

  1. Examine how structural transformation in economy is affecting traditional social relationships in agrarian society (20 marks , 2021)
  2. Describe the different settlement patterns in rural India (15 marks , 2020)
  3. Discuss the impact of Globalization on Indian villages (15 marks , 2020)
  4. Identify the theoretical concepts that have emerged out of village studies in India(20 marks, 2019)
  5. Describe the impact of industrialization on the economic and social aspects of India’s villages (15 marks , 2019)
  6. Discuss the impact of market economy on rural villages. (15 marks, 2018)
  7. Agrarian social structure (10 marks, 2018)
  8. Give a critical evaluation of any one anthropological village  study in India. (15m (2017)
  9. Examine nature of interplay of little and great traditions in the context of globalization (15m , 2016)
  10. Explain Indian village as a social system with example.(2016)20m
  11. Describe the traditional patterns of settlement of Indian villages(2016)20M
  12. Examine the contribution of village studies towards the understanding of Indian social system. ( 20Marks , 2015)
  13. Discuss the impact of Globalization on Village economy in India. (15Marks, 2015)
  14. Examine the impacts of green revolution on rural poor.(15Marks – 2013)
  15. How has globalization impacted agrarian relations in the last two decades? (20 Marks – 2012)
  16. Indegenous knowledge. (12Marks – 2012)
  17. Discuss contributions of S.C. Dube towards understanding of the Indian village. (15 Marks — 2010)
  18. Describe the significant contributions of village studies in India to the understanding of social transformations. (60 Marks — 2009)
  19. Globalization and Indian Peasantry (S.N – 2OO4)
  20. Analyze how the village Studies contributed in understanding the Indian social system. (L.Q 2004)
  21. Green Revolution and its economic and ecological dimensions? (L.Q – 2002)
  22. Village Studies in India. (S.N – 2002)
  23. Explain criteria for dominant caste. How far is this concept still crucial to our understanding of India’s villages after implementation of Reservation in democratic institutions? Discuss. (L.Q – 2001)
  24. Village Studies are crucial to the understanding of Indian life and culture. Who were the pioneer anthropologists to undertake such Studies? Give a comprehensive Picture of any one of them. (L.Q – 1998)
  25. Child mortality in rural areas (S.N – 1996)
  26. Forms of labour bondage in Indian Agriculture (S.N – 1991)
  27. What is the notion of folk urban continuum in the study of peasant society? Is it applicable to Indian conditions? (L.Q – 1991)
  28. Discuss the major concepts and approaches employed by the anthropologists in the study of peasant society in India. (L.Q -1990)
  29. Peasant Society (S.N – 1985)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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