- Examine how structural transformation in economy is affecting traditional social relationships in agrarian society (20 marks , 2021)
- Describe the different settlement patterns in rural India (15 marks , 2020)
- Discuss the impact of Globalization on Indian villages (15 marks , 2020)
- Identify the theoretical concepts that have emerged out of village studies in India(20 marks, 2019)
- Describe the impact of industrialization on the economic and social aspects of India’s villages (15 marks , 2019)
- Discuss the impact of market economy on rural villages. (15 marks, 2018)
- Agrarian social structure (10 marks, 2018)
- Give a critical evaluation of any one anthropological village study in India. (15m (2017)
- Examine nature of interplay of little and great traditions in the context of globalization (15m , 2016)
- Explain Indian village as a social system with example.(2016)20m
- Describe the traditional patterns of settlement of Indian villages(2016)20M
- Examine the contribution of village studies towards the understanding of Indian social system. ( 20Marks , 2015)
- Discuss the impact of Globalization on Village economy in India. (15Marks, 2015)
- Examine the impacts of green revolution on rural poor.(15Marks – 2013)
- How has globalization impacted agrarian relations in the last two decades? (20 Marks – 2012)
- Indegenous knowledge. (12Marks – 2012)
- Discuss contributions of S.C. Dube towards understanding of the Indian village. (15 Marks — 2010)
- Describe the significant contributions of village studies in India to the understanding of social transformations. (60 Marks — 2009)
- Globalization and Indian Peasantry (S.N – 2OO4)
- Analyze how the village Studies contributed in understanding the Indian social system. (L.Q 2004)
- Green Revolution and its economic and ecological dimensions? (L.Q – 2002)
- Village Studies in India. (S.N – 2002)
- Explain criteria for dominant caste. How far is this concept still crucial to our understanding of India’s villages after implementation of Reservation in democratic institutions? Discuss. (L.Q – 2001)
- Village Studies are crucial to the understanding of Indian life and culture. Who were the pioneer anthropologists to undertake such Studies? Give a comprehensive Picture of any one of them. (L.Q – 1998)
- Child mortality in rural areas (S.N – 1996)
- Forms of labour bondage in Indian Agriculture (S.N – 1991)
- What is the notion of folk urban continuum in the study of peasant society? Is it applicable to Indian conditions? (L.Q – 1991)
- Discuss the major concepts and approaches employed by the anthropologists in the study of peasant society in India. (L.Q -1990)
- Peasant Society (S.N – 1985)