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PYQ- Indian Traditional Society , Caste Studies , Religious Impact

  1. Purushartha and righteous living today(10marks, 2021)
  2. ‘Khap’ Panchayat (10 marks , 2020)
  3. Use of doctrine of Karma and rebirth in justifying the Varna system (10 marks, 2019)
  4. Philosophy behind Purusharthas (10 marks, 2018)
  5. Write short notes on Varnashram and concept of rina. (10marks, 2018)
  6. Philosophy behind Purushartha (15Marks – 2011)
  7. Purusharthas (S.N 2007)
  8. Significance of Purushartha (SN – 2003)
  9. Karma (S.N – 2006)
  10. Concept of Karma in relation to caste (S.N -2000)
  11. Importance of Karma in Hindu Social System (S.N – 1996)
  12. Varnashrama (S.N – 2005)
  13. Concept of Rina and Rebirth (S.N – 2002) (S.N – 1997)
  14. Explain the concept of ‘Rina’ according to the Hindu scriptures. What were the mechanisms Suggested by the scholars to repay the ‘Rina’? (L.Q-1995)
  15. Social significance of Grihasta ashram. (S.N – 1994)
  16. Describe the major purusharthas according to Hindu Scriptures and discuss the social significance of harmonious management of ‘Trivarga’ (L.Q 1994)
  17. Describe salient features of traditional joint family system in India. Trace causes for its disintegration in recent decades. (L.Q – 1999)
  18. Discuss the basis of Indian Social System. Do you find any change today? (LQ-1998)
  19. Structure and functions of joint family (S.N – 1989) (S.N – 1992)
  20. Examine joint family role in Hindu Social System & its impact on caste system. (L.Q – 1997)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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