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PYQ – Indian Civilization studies

  1. Explain the impact of the concept of nature-man-spirit complex on sustainable use of natural resources with suitable examples (20 marks , 2021)
  2. Critically examine the contributions of Makhan Jha and B. N. Saraswati to the study of sacred complexes in India. 20marks(2018)
  3. Write short notes on Nature- Man- Spirit Complex.10m (2017)
  4. Sacred complex as a dimension of Indian civilization (10Marks 2015)
  5. Describe the concept of ‘Sacred Complex’ with an ethnographic example. (15Marks 2014)
  6. Examine Nature-man-spirit complex as an ecological concept.(15Marks – 2013)
  7. Sacred Geography. (12Marks – 2012)
  8. Nature-Man-Spirit Complex (20 Marks — 2009)
  9. Sacred Complex (S.N – 2005)
  10. Trace the broad unifying features of traditional Hindu Society in the anthropological perspective (L.Q – 2004)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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