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PYQ- Impact of other religions on tribes

  1. Critically assess the impact of Christianity on tribal culture and identity (15 marks , 2021)
  2. Explain the impact of Hinduism on Tribal people of India.(15 Marks , 2020)
  3. Describe the impact of Buddhism on the tribal populations of India(15 marks, 2020)
  4. Impact of Christianity on Indian tribes. (10 m , 2017)
  5. Discuss the impact of Islam on schedule tribes of India.(2016 ,15m )
  6. Islam and Matriliny. (10Marks 2015
  7. Discuss the impact of Hinduism on the status of Tribal women in Central India  (15Marks 2015)
  8. Impact of Christianity on tribes (10Marks 2014)
  9. Using ethnographic examples highlight the processes of religious conversions in Tribal India. (20Marks – 2012)
  10. Discus the impact of Hindu Society on tribal population in India. (30Marks – 2011)
  11. Analyze the impact of Christianity on tribal communities with special reference to North-East India (60 Marks — 2009)
  12. Buddhism, Christianity and Scheduled Castes (S.N – 2004)
  13. Bases of tribal religion (S.N – 2002)
  14. Impact of Christianity on tribal societies (S.N – 2000)
  15. Define religion in anthropological perspective. Bring out the impact of Christianity on the converted and non-converted tribal group of India. (L.Q -1996)

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