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PYQ- Growth of Anthropology in India

  1. Discuss the contributions of N. K. Bose in understanding tribal communities and their place in Indian civilization. (20 marks , 2021)
  2. Examine the contributions of S. C. Roy in highlighting the role of customary laws in tribal life. (15 marks , 2021)
  3. Contribution of K. S. Singh to Indian Anthropology (10 marks, 2020)
  4. Discuss the role of colonial administration in the development of anthropology in India ? (15 marks, 2019)
  5. Discuss the contribution of S. C Roy in the study of tribal cultures in India. 15 marks(2018)
  6. Compare and contrast the economic typology of tribes given by different anthropologists. 20 marks(2018)
  7. Discuss the contribution of Nirmal Kumar bose to the understanding of Indian society. 20m (2017)
  8. Discuss the contribution of L.P Vidyarthi and D.N.Majumdar to the study of Indian tribes.
  9. Discuss the contribution of MN Srinivas to the study of Indian society. Examine the influence of British social anthropologists on his ideas. (15Marks 2015)
  10. Discuss the contributions of S. C. Roy to understanding the tribes of India. (20Marks 2014)
  11. Examine the anthropological contributions dealing with tribes and Indian civilization.(25Marks – 2013)
  12. Discuss the contributions of H. D. Sankalia to prehistoric anthropology in India.(20Marks –  2013)
  13. Assessthecontributionsofearly20thcenturyethnographictraditiontoIndian anthropology.(15Marks – 2013)
  14. Trace  the  trajectory of encyclopedic  works  on tribes  and  castes  of South  India  with  special Reference to Ananthakrishna Iyer’s contribution. (20Marks – 2012)
  15. Compare the contributions of S.C. Roy and Verrier Elwin to tribal ethnographies in India. (20Marks – 2012)
  16. Evaluate the contribution of American anthropologists to Indian anthropology. (30Marks – 2011) Assess the contribution of Varrier Elwin to Indian anthropology. (15Marks – 2011)
  17. Assess the contributions of M.N. Srinivas towards Indian Anthropology in general. Add a note  on his understanding in the context of studying social mobility in India, (20+10 Marks — 2010)
  18. Write a brief note on the contributions of Prof., LP. Vidyarthi in the field of anthropology. (20 Marks — 2009)
  19. Highlight the Contributions of Indian Anthropologists in the understanding of tribal life. (L.Q – 2007)
  20. N.K.Bose’s contributions to Indian Anthropology (S.N – 2006) Initial period of tribal studies in India (S.N – 2006)
  21. Briefly discuss the contributions of Indian Anthropologists during 20th Century to Anthropology. (L.Q – 2006)
  22. Give an account of the contributions of Indian scholars in the growth and development of Anthropology in India in early 20th century.(L.Q – 2005)
  23. Tribe and peasant similarities and differences (S..N – 2003)
  24. Critically examine the contributions of some of the British Scholar administrators to Indian Anthropology.(LQ-2002)
  25. Action Anthropology (S.N -2001)
  26. V. EIwin and his contributions (S.N – 1998)
  27. Assess the growth and development of Anthropology in India. Illustrate the contribution of early 20th century Anthropologists in Tribal Caste studies. (L.Q – 1997)
  28. Estimate the contributions of S.C. Roy in the field of Ethnography and his influence on the growth of Anthropology in India. (L.Q – 1996)
  29. Maler’s perception of the habitat. (S.N -1996)
  30. Discuss the major contributions of Von Furer Haimendorf to Indian Anthropology. (L.Q – 1995)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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