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  1. Gorden Childe’s Theory of Cultural Evolution ? (10 marks, 2018)
  2. Explain the theory of Neo-Evolutionism (60 Marks — 2009)
  3. Neo-evolutionism (. – 1997)
  4. What do you understand by Neo-evolutionism? Evaluate how Leslie A White‘s approach is helpful in understanding cultural revolution.(. -2000)
  5. What do you mean by cultural ecology‘? Evaluate how Julian Steward‘s particularistic Approach is helpful in understanding multilineal evolution. (. – 1998)
  6. How do the approaches of the 19th century Evolutionists differ from those of the Neo-Evolutionists? Discuss (. – 1993)
  7. Write an essay on neo-evolutionism and cultural ecology.(. – 1989)

Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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