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  1. Explain the impact of feminist movements on universality of marriage and family structure ? (20 Marks , 2020)
  2. Discuss the impact of urbanization and feminist movements on family in India.(2016)
  3. Define family and critically examine Universality of Family. (15 Marks 2015)
  4. Discuss the impact of urbanization and feminist movement on family. (20 Marks 2013)
  5. Is family a social institution? (12 Marks 2012)
  6. What do you understand by Feminist movements? Discuss their impact on family. (2002)
  7. Critically comment on the forces and factors that have brought about changes in the family structure in recent times (1999)
  8. Do you agree with the view that family is a ‗universal association‘? Critically examine the above statement. (1998)
  9. Examine family both as a social group and as an institution. Describe the functions of family and household, Indicating there in the recent changes. (1996)
  10. Is family a Universal Social group? Critically examine this with examples. (1993)
  11. Give a comparative account of different types of family in the tribes of India. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. (1990)
  12. Universality of family (1988)
  13. Give a comparative account of different types of family in tribal & non-tribal societies of India.(.1987)
  14. What are the major functions of the family? Indicate the recent changes that have taken place in its types and functions with special reference to India. ( 1985)


Author: Admin

Anthropology Faculty

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