
PYQ Human Evolution

What are the physical and cultural characteristics of Homo erectus ? Discuss its phylogenetic status. (20 marks , 2021)Discuss the…

3 years ago


The losses and gains of erect posture (10 marks , 2021)Jane Goodall’s contributions in studying primate behavior (10 marks ,…

3 years ago

Afforestation grabed the land meant for tribals

Odisha's Tribal Communities Are Reeling Under a Land Grab Project Masquerading as 'Afforestation' The forest department‘s move to aggressively promote…

4 years ago

Rengma Naga Peoples’ Council (RNPC) demanded an Autonomous District Council (ADC) in Assam

The Rengma Naga Peoples’ Council (RNPC) or Rengma Nagas have demanded an Autonomous District Council (ADC) in Assam.▪ The Central…

4 years ago

How Forest rights of tribal can conserve forests ?

On June 14, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the UN High-Level Dialogue on Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought. He reiterated…

4 years ago

Why to protect archeology dept from funding cuts ?

rchaeology is in trouble. The U.K. government recently announced plans to cut its subsidy for English university teaching of the subject (along…

4 years ago

New method could reveal what genes we might have inherited from Neanderthals

Thousands of years ago, archaic humans such as Neanderthals and Denisovans went extinct. But before that, they interbred with the…

4 years ago

Assam two child Policy for Population Control

Population control in Assam: Two-child policy begins, govt benefits to those who follow population norms - CM KEY HIGHLIGHTS Govt…

4 years ago

World Prehistory

Discuss the salient features of different traditions of European Mesolithic. (15 marks , 2021)Describe the features of early farming cultures…

4 years ago


Ethno-archaeological analysis of hunting activities of contemporary tribal communities (10 marks, 2019)Discuss the importance of Ethnoarchaeology in reconstructing the Past…

4 years ago