Biological Anthropology

How Power Pervades Portrayals of Human Evolution

An evolutionary scholar examines racist and sexist depictions of human evolution that continue to permeate science, education, and popular culture.…

2 years ago

Three Parent Baby

A baby boy, the first child to be born using a new technique that incorporates DNA from three people, is now…

2 years ago

Neither chimpanzee nor human – Ardipithecus reveals the surprising ancestry of both

Australopithecus fossils were regularly interpreted during the late 20th century in a framework that used living African apes, especially chimpanzees, as…

2 years ago


Paleogenetics is the study of the past through the examination of preserved genetic material from the remains of ancient organisms.[1][2] Emile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling introduced the…

2 years ago


Archaeogenetics is the study of ancient DNA using various molecular genetic methods and DNA resources. This form of genetic analysis can be applied to human,…

2 years ago


Paleogenomics is a field of science based on the reconstruction and analysis of genomic information in extinct species. Improved methods…

2 years ago

Svante Pääbo contributions for Paleogenetics

Humanity has always been intrigued by its origins. Where do we come from, and how are we related to those…

2 years ago

The Genome India Project

Taking inspiration from the Human Genome Project, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) initiated the ambitious “Genome India Project” (GIP) . The GIP…

2 years ago

How we discovered that Neanderthals could make art

What makes us human? A lot of people would argue it is the ability of our species to engage in…

2 years ago

It’s Official: Neanderthals Created Art

New evidence from caves in Spain shows that Neanderthals engaged in complex symbolic thought—and were pretty good artists to boot.…

2 years ago