
5 years ago

Critically evaluate different types of social stratifications with suitable examples. (20 marks , 2021) Human rights and Cultural relativism (10…


5 years ago

Ways of acquiring mate in Tribal society.(10 marks, 2018)Discuss the Different forms of preferential marriage with suitable examples from(2017)Define marriage…


5 years ago

Explain the impact of feminist movements on universality of marriage and family structure ? (20 Marks , 2020)Discuss the impact…


5 years ago

Descent Groups (10 marks , 2021)Marriage Regulations and Alliance Theory (10 marks , 2021)How did Radcliffe-Brown and Lewis-Strauss study kinship…


5 years ago

Modes of Subsistence (10 marks , 2021)How is construct of power linked to the notion of conspicuous consumption and its…


5 years ago

How do political organisations of simple societies establish power, authority and legitimacy ? (20 marks , 2021)How does customary law…


5 years ago

Animism and Deep Ecology (10 marks , 2021)Critically explain the anthropological approaches to religion (15 marks, 2019) Discuss the different…


5 years ago

Ways of acquiring mate in Tribal society.(2018)Discuss the Different forms of preferential marriage with suitable examples from(2017) Define marriage &…


5 years ago

Explain the basic features of ‗Postmodernism‘ in Anthropology. (20 Marks 2015)Post-modernism in anthropology (12 Marks 2012)


5 years ago

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (10 Marks , 2020)Explain the difference between Emic‘ & Etic‘ and how does the difference derive from the…