Is it Vaigai civilization or Indus valley civilzation ?

1 year ago

Major discovery in Tamil Nadu’s Keezhadi: A possible link to Indus Valley Civilisation Another major discovery is that people in…

Why Are Languages Worth Preserving?

1 year ago

As UNESCO brings urgent awareness to Indigenous languages this year, a linguist considers whether saving languages is sentimental or critical.…

How we discovered that Neanderthals could make art

1 year ago

What makes us human? A lot of people would argue it is the ability of our species to engage in…

It’s Official: Neanderthals Created Art

1 year ago

New evidence from caves in Spain shows that Neanderthals engaged in complex symbolic thought—and were pretty good artists to boot.…

Chinese scientist who produced genetically altered babies sentenced to 3 years in jail

1 year ago

He Jiankui and two collaborators were found guilty of “illegal medical practices” He Jiankui, the Chinese researcher who stunned the…

Oldest Stone Tools Ever Found Were Not Made by Human Hands, Study Suggests

1 year ago

(Image: Fossilized hippopotamid skeleton with Oldowan artifacts)  Archaeologists have revealed what could be the oldest stone tools ever found, and…

Viruses Are a Primary Driver of Human Evolution

1 year ago

Aminopeptidase N is a protein that acts as a receptor for coronaviruses, the family of viruses behind recent epidemics of…

Primate Speciation: A Case Study of African Apes

1 year ago

Biological anthropologists use genetic data to understand the evolutionary relationships that humans share with great apes and to examine how…

The Origin of the Human Species: a Chromosome Fusion?

1 year ago

Some 60 years ago, two researchers, Joe Hin Tjio and Albert Levan, discovered that the number of chromosomes (karyotype) in humans was 46…

Did Humanity Really Arise in One Place?

1 year ago

New evidence is prompting researchers to rethink Homo sapiens’ origin story—and what it means to be human. ✽ AS A UNIVERSITY…